Top Sellers was originally Telebook (, Germany's leading online bookstore, which Amazon acquired in 1998 and later it became Amazon Germany as it is today. Since 2007 Amazon Prime is available to all customers. In Germany it has become the most visited and largest ecommerce website, ahead of eBay Germany.

Amazon marketplace launched in Germany in March, 2002.

Rank Seller 30 Day Reviews Lifetime Reviews
901 SSK Corporation Direct 60 2,122
902 Lagento GmbH - *Schnellversand* 74 24,998
903 Teppichmax 82 5,209
904 hibuy 63 33,607
905 Sweetsnfood 65 1,041
906 Attowa 61 1,526
907 HAKA Kunz GmbH 61 6,653
908 Exotenherz 63 10,580
909 Sylphar 63 10,129
910 AROMATIKA trust the power of nature 63 8,971
911 SIGA Batterien 74 14,036
912 MixWare MegaShop 61 5,130
913 Dönges 61 5,888
914 Ostprodukte-Versand 61 9,097
915 goodorganics 59 13,564
916 HanseTier-Shop 59 2,752
917 Tadima GmbH 59 5,851
918 STEBRUAM 59 2,132
919 ALLSKING-EU 59 1,045
920 Qinghaoji-eu 59 2,932
921 Cable Matters 59 10,592
922 aki-it 59 188
923 BummelKönig - Preise inkl. MwSt 59 673
924 Epic_Brands 67 4,096
925 bestcount 71 15,708
926 Game World 64 53,007
927 Fenghong Globle 60 1,262
928 Mohicans 60 1,754
929 Bremer Gewürzhandel GmbH 64 37,147
930 TTL-Commerce 64 1,456
931 HLRecordsEU 71 7,994
932 Shirt-Arena 71 56,685
933 Antiquariat Buchhandel Daniel Viertel 60 70,185
934 DeeGoods GmbH 60 2,067
935 Neuert's 83 29,122
936 trockenbauspezialist 70 6,147
937 Solarway GmbH 66 1,772
938 magic-shop24 Preise inkl. MwSt. 58 5,959
939 Meijii 58 1,310
940 QHOHQ* 58 6,097
941 lampox 58 3,817
942 nasenfahrrad24 58 11,872
943 Pattern Europe 58 9,048
944 abigarrado 58 12,738
945 VooGenzek 58 1,302
946 Wocci Watch Bands~DE 58 3,273
947 IT-Tronics GmbH 58 13,065
948 GarPet 63 8,224
949 onECO 63 1,268
950 FarbenFux*de - Der Heimwerker Versand-Fachmarkt 61 6,180
951 TownX(UK) 61 3,295
952 Northpoint GmbH Preise inkl. MwSt. 61 5,541
953 netuno 61 3,606
954 Angelfachmarkt 65 10,355
955 11teamsports 65 34,449
956 Wooob 59 9,317
957 Tintendienst - Druckerverbrauchsmaterial 59 103,898
958 cd-dvd-shop 59 163,089
959 Web-Textilien24 76 46,398
960 FHYEU 59 241
961 vitafy 59 19,192
962 VOCOO EU 59 2,527
963 Tabakring 59 3,552
964 Suesswarenhaus24 59 10,984
965 MMSB-GmbH 65 53,561
966 Contorion_GmbH 68 10,919
967 Military-eu 62 779
968 Papierdrachen 62 4,974
969 RuiXin O 57 380
970 JAMBO SUPPLIES 60 7,286
971 Blinked 57 2,895
972 Presch 57 10,303
973 Greenjob EUSHOP 60 1,271
974 OOHHEE 57 701
975 INBUS Werkzeug GmbH 57 5,046
976 dvd-schnellversand 58 49,030
977 Elchversand 58 24,976
978 Fairvital - Bioaktive Vitalstoffe 58 29,402
979 CHEDIN DIRECT EU 61 2,662
980 KreGa Onlinehandel 63 2,241
981 TianYuanDianZi 58 961
982 BayernBiene 58 4,921
983 agdom24h 58 1,685
984 ECD-Germany 75 15,943
985 Kamdi24 59 5,985
986 Timier 56 1,085
987 69needs 56 578
988 papercrush 56 6,209
989 HXLINN. 56 376
990 Olsen Store GmbH 56 61,810
991 YUMONAK-X 56 980
992 RuiMYi 56 160
993 J&D Tech DE 56 8,536
994 longfang 56 2,803
995 ZMSolution EU 56 5,848
996 HS Produkte 56 3,137
997 Movie-Madness 56 619
998 NENUFARPINK S.L. 56 572
999 Staubsaugermanufaktur 57 4,829
1,000 Agualeve GmbH 57 1,543

An arrow pointing up indicates that the rank has increased from last month, while an arrow pointing down means the seller has dropped in rank. A horizontal line means there was no change in rank. Seller rank is based on the number of positive reviews received during the last 30 days.