Top Sellers is one of the oldest Amazon's marketplaces, launched in 1998 after acquiring, a UK online book retailer. It's the largest ecommerce website in UK, ahead of eBay UK.

Amazon marketplace launched in UK in March, 2002.

Rank Seller 30 Day Reviews Lifetime Reviews
101 Joyin Direct UK 318 6,237
102 ThermoPro UK 322 26,189
103 Oypla 346 107,298
104 Mountain Warehouse 345 112,437
105 NengWo-EU 310 5,907
106 Black Cat Medicines 333 57,899
107 FootballShopOnline 317 82,079
108 Doodlecards 320 26,975
109 Panorama Stores 440 56,602
110 GreatStarTools 299 17,261
111 DIVCHI 329 29,424
112 First4Spares 353 177,073
113 OMGHC 318 95,996
114 Quickdraw Stationery UK 311 91,548
115 HSI Global 309 17,152
116 ThePyjamaFactory 293 46,937
117 PVL Trade 293 8,600
118 SaiJi-Direct 292 5,450
119 QUAILITAS LIMITED 304 56,072
120 Dental Direct UK 291 69,324
122 Ideal Direct Ltd 300 84,956
123 One Retail Group 320 59,945
124 YH Unlimited 286 5,498
125 JDS DIY 313 79,118
126 Garden_Mile 320 68,731
127 121Pharmacy 297 20,345
128 KW-Commerce 280 77,795
129 First Point Distribution 305 29,367
130 Assurant General Insurance Limited 308 1,678
131 JFA Medical 271 21,579
132 Barkley Trading 270 20,074
133 Castle Battery 296 94,008
134 Branded_Bedding 299 20,517
135 ⭐ Books2Door ® 261 111,433
136 PATIKIL UK 270 4,564
137 KG-Direct 312 44,069
138 HealthCare - EU 280 5,858
139 Fressto 256 1,626
140 ACE_BOOKS 260 144,268
141 Monmore Confectionery 286 39,271
142 NETTA Direct 292 24,990
143 * Ultimate Treasures * 279 297,247
144 UNIBOS 295 42,346
145 betterworldbooksltd 294 513,248
146 Solretail LTD 250 27,618
147 Fort Products 284 28,073
148 Superpet Ltd 284 37,703
150 Spigen EU 251 97,336
151 PAULSTORE 261 9,778
152 D & B ENTERTAINMENT 247 102,195
153 Chelsea & Co 251 4,123
154 RAW DENIM 256 30,934
155 net_price_direct 250 93,563
156 dreampairsEU 255 15,326
157 Wildflower Trading Ltd 260 13,891
158 Mr SIGA UK 244 19,548
159 Anything 4 Home 280 95,444
160 Shop In & Out 275 26,658
161 Outdoor Value 257 113,574
162 WHAT BRITAIN BUYS 272 14,674
163 E.U. Xtores 263 67,434
164 Direct Care Ltd 278 70,967
165 Trustu 271 27,986
166 uniqueplace-uk 261 177,983
167 kenable_ltd 241 112,130
168 House of Cards Online 240 11,688
169 D&D international 237 12,091
170 AllDayDealsUK 282 13,969
171 SockShop 236 78,620
172 Deconovo-Home 231 28,611
173 WP Consultants 229 19,529
174 shavinglikes 229 7,984
175 ChangHe Life 231 8,065
176 Energy-Star 248 24,737
177 Pattern UK 228 609
178 Dr. Kurt Wolff GmbH & Co. KG 245 9,254
179 Athenbys Knitting Store 237 51,645
180 Click-it- 234 7,478
181 SHOP 4 LESS 244 24,854
182 bracketsales123 227 34,811
183 D.A.Y. Republic UK 233 10,184
184 Prime Brands Group UK 229 43,515
185 PICE PET 222 331
186 Packaging.Products.Direct 267 35,971
187 Pure Price [UK SELLER VAT REGISTERED] 232 9,044
188 Zibo Store 220 1,736
189 Old English Company 224 4,276
190 Ever Foams 219 15,961
191 Saras Foods UK 238 12,268
192 pestcontrolsupermarket 225 18,746
193 Find A Spare 216 38,633
194 Hexeal 227 26,991
195 H&S Alliance UK 214 110,766
196 VeraCosy Direct 214 7,444
197 Avant-Garde Essentials 226 7,551
198 WUNDAPETS 233 26,091
199 My Shoe Store 252 72,681
200 Thompson & Morgan Ltd 252 37,709

An arrow pointing up indicates that the rank has increased from last month, while an arrow pointing down means the seller has dropped in rank. A horizontal line means there was no change in rank. Seller rank is based on the number of positive reviews received during the last 30 days.